Mission Church is easy to find. Check out this map link and get directions from everywhere. All roads lead to Mission Church in Somerville, MA. The main Sunday service will begin at 12:00 PM and will normally include singing, prayers, announcements, and testimonies. We suggest you arrive at least 15 minutes early.
We have parking lots on both sides of the building and across the street. The church deacons are happy to direct you to overflow parking. You will have no problems. We also use space graciously donated by our neighbors.
As soon as you walk through the doors, someone will greet you and welcome you to our church. Our friendly ushers and greeters will help you with any special needs you may have and even help you find a comfortable place to sit. If you don’t know anyone when you arrive, we guarantee you will before you leave! If it makes you feel better to know someone before you arrive, contact us today and meet someone over the phone, or arrange to meet us in person.
As a visitor, you are welcome to our church in whatever you feel comfortable wearing. However, if you are conscious of what you are wearing compared to others, we certainly don’t want that to be a distraction for you. In our worship services, most of our congregation wears “Sunday Best” clothing…ties, jackets and slacks for men, dresses and head coverings for women. It’s only important to us that you feel comfortable. Hopefully, the above information answered any questions that you had. If there’s something we missed, or something else you would like to know about, contact us and we will be glad to answer or discuss anything you need to know.
A Bible will help you to follow along in worship and in Bible Study. If you have a Bible, bring it with you to church we use the King James Version. Our Pastor, Bishop Mitchell, refers to the Bible often during his messages. If you don’t have a Bible, or forgot to bring your Bible, Bibles are available from the ushers.
The Pastor would love to meet you! Pastor Mitchell is available at the conclusion of any worship service to personally greet our guests and he asks that you take a moment to stop and say hello.
We aim to be an all-inclusive church. If you wish to discuss specific needs please contact the church office. Our premises are wheelchair accessible, we have a handicapped accessible restrooms and elevators and lifts to assist you.
Our Prayer Services begins at 10 A.M, followed by Sunday School at 10:30. At 11:30 light refreshments are available in the Fellowship Hall.
On the first Sunday of each month, morning worship includes our Communion Service. On other Sundays you are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall after service for Sunday dinner or refreshments.
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Email | MISSIONCHURCH1@GMAIL.COM Phone | 617-863-6614
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